Alert Dialog
Presents critical information or prompts to the user, typically requiring their attention or action.
<script lang="ts">
import { AlertDialog } from "bits-ui";
<AlertDialog.Trigger />
<AlertDialog.Overlay />
<AlertDialog.Title />
<AlertDialog.Description />
<AlertDialog.Cancel />
<AlertDialog.Action />
<script lang="ts">
import { AlertDialog } from "bits-ui";
<AlertDialog.Trigger />
<AlertDialog.Overlay />
<AlertDialog.Title />
<AlertDialog.Description />
<AlertDialog.Cancel />
<AlertDialog.Action />
Component API
The root component used to set and manage the state of the alert dialog.
Prop | Default | Type/Description |
preventScroll | true | boolean Whether or not to prevent scroll on the body when the alert dialog is open. |
closeOnEscape | true | boolean Whether to close the alert dialog when the escape key is pressed. |
closeOnOutsideClick | true | boolean Whether to close the alert dialog when a click occurs outside of it. |
open | false | boolean Whether or not the alert dialog is open. |
onOpenChange | - | (open: boolean) => void A callback function called when the open state changes. |
The element which opens the alert dialog on press.
Prop | Default | Type/Description |
asChild | false | boolean Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. |
Data Attribute | Value/Description |
data-melt-dialog-trigger | Present on the trigger element. |
The content displayed within the alert dialog modal.
Prop | Default | Type/Description |
asChild | false | boolean Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. |
Data Attribute | Value/Description |
data-state | 'open' | 'closed' The state of the alert dialog. |
data-melt-dialog-content | Present on the content element. |
An overlay which covers the body when the alert dialog is open.
Prop | Default | Type/Description |
asChild | false | boolean Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. |
Data Attribute | Value/Description |
data-state | 'open' | 'closed' The state of the alert dialog. |
data-melt-dialog-overlay | Present on the overlay element. |
A portal which renders the alert dialog into the body when it is open.
A button used to close the alert dialog by taking an action.
Prop | Default | Type/Description |
asChild | false | boolean Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. |
A button used to close the alert dialog without taking an action.
Prop | Default | Type/Description |
asChild | false | boolean Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. |
Data Attribute | Value/Description |
data-melt-dialog-close | Present on the cancel element. |
An accessibile title for the alert dialog.
Prop | Default | Type/Description |
asChild | false | boolean Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. |
Data Attribute | Value/Description |
data-melt-dialog-title | Present on the title element. |
An accessibile description for the alert dialog.
Prop | Default | Type/Description |
asChild | false | boolean Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. |
Data Attribute | Value/Description |
data-melt-dialog-description | Present on the description element. |